Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A New Awakening

So I tried something new today. The past couple months I've been feeling kind of trapped - like my mind has been in some emotional stalemate. You know just when you feel so confused about literally EVERYTHING? Like you don't have any of the answers anymore? Or you even begin questioning whether you're on the right path in life? A lot of people might say I'm too young to feel these kinds of emotions, but hey, teenagers stress over life too! I can't really describe it fully...everything just seemed to get so overbearing as time passed.
     But anyway, there I was scrolling through Twitter (which has become kind of a mindless and addictive habit for me - I'll admit it) and I came across the most intriguing and relevant Huffington Post article called Negative Thoughts? that gave me some insight on how to solve the problems my mind has so slyly tricked me into thinking I had (I use the word "tricked" because half the issues I had allowed to overwhelm me I realized weren't even actual issues worth worrying about, but the mind is very powerful and I truly believe our thoughts do make up a large percentage of who we are as individuals).
     So one of the article's suggestions was to write down every negative thought you have and then rip it up and throw them away...literally! And yes, I get it. Most people my age are probably already thinking right now, "that's gay" or "that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard" (these are actual reactions from some of my close guy friends...I know, who knew, right? As if I totally hadn't seen that coming. LOL). But honestly, whatever. Who cares really? This isn't something the entire world has to know you tried if it's gonna hurt your "reputation" or whatever people are worried about. If it helps, it helps. This is about you and your problems (AND EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS DUH) - not about what your friends or peers will think. It just makes sense that when there's a problem: FIX IT.
     Now, I'm always up for a witty experiment or anything that proves why something is the way it is or gives a solution to a problem I may be currently experiencing, so with an open mind I gave it a go. (The pictures I've posted are actually all the little papers of negative thoughts I had, and as you can see I had quite a lot haha). I don't know, maybe the whole technique is just some kind of placebo effect or some "fake fix" that tricks your mind back into thinking everything is okay...but whatever it is, it certainly works. To go a little more in depth of what the article suggests though, before ripping up each one I read it back to myself aloud and kind of thought about why I was feeling that way or how I could actually improve my situation.
     After I ripped up the last paper, I felt soooo so liberated; this being my first blog post is kind of proof of that. Lately I've been going through some writer's block and feeling uninspired and overwhelmed with everything really - like the entire world was against me (and ya, one of my biggest downfalls is how I tend to think the entire world revolves around ME ME ME, when in all reality why the hell would the entire world be focused on anyone other than Beyonce, T Swift, Kim K. and Kanye West, just to name a few of the Most Talked About Celebrities as listed by Huffington Post; and yes, I do love Huffington Post and will probably reference them a lot haha. And yes, that article was so last year but it has proved to be very very relevant even as 2014 comes to a winding end, and if it were updated they would probably just add the North West baby which makes me feel LOADS better about myself seeing as she could tweet "dada" and still get more retweets than I ever have in all my three years on twitter. And not that I agree with the content of the article, I mean there are so many great people who actually make a difference in the world and it is disappointing that all anyone seems to care about are people who entertain us...)
     I HAVE SO DIGRESSED!!!!! So back to the point I was trying to get across...
     I just feel like now I have so much more confidence to let everything all flow out, you know? I honestly can't even believe how silly I was being over some of my "issues," but teenage girls are supposed to be overemotional and over exaggerate everything anyways, right? Lol. In total sincerity though, I guess sometimes when you let your thoughts get bottled up inside you (as I often do) it can become horribly maddening and detrimental to your health, and the only way to really let it out might be to actually hold them - to make your negative thoughts tangible enough to realize what they truly are so you're able to actually feel them before you dispose of them for hopefully forever!
     I'm no scientist or psychologist or whatnot so I don't know the ins and outs of how it all works to be totally honest, but I highly recommend this little experiment to any human being who just has human problems, whether you feel "trapped" or unloved or unsure or anything that holds you back from enjoying life really. After all, the mind can solve any issue when it's cleared and has room to think rationally and come up with a positive solution.

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